Thursday, 5 December 2013

Unit 1 D1

D1: Following the recruitment evening you and your colleagues are going to analyse interpersonal and written communications, criticizing and justifying particular techniques used. Discuss with your peers the different interpersonal and written communication skills used during this project. Then write an individual report that analyses the discussed interpersonal and written communications criticizing and justifying the different techniques used. Verbal Communication I spoke to Mr. Sumpter about this piece of work, as i was unsure of what to do for it. This helped me because I had no idea from the task being explained online. This means that I like talking one on one so someone can explain it to me in a way I understand best. The good point of verbal communication is that you can tell them exactly what is wrong and what you need explaining, and they can tell you what you need to do to correct it. The bad thing about verbal communication is that some people can misinterpret the criticism and make the work even worse. Teacher broadcasting demonstration Teacher broadcasting does work well with me, but sometimes I will need to ask for help and need to be shown again rather than struggle for a few lessons. The good points of teacher broadcast is so they can explain while doing a demonstration to the whole class, and then answer questions all at once so they can be clear on what to do and move on for the next lesson. Using Blogger Using Blogger is not as good as using the first two ways of communications. As it is on the computer, you get one way of an explanation, and if you don’t understand it, then you have to disturb one of your piers or your teacher to get an explanation you do understand. Blogger, however, is a good way to get feedback on your work. If all you need to do is add or correct small things such as a spelling mistake or a number, then all you need to do is re-upload the work with the correction on it. Blogger is good because you can use it to find work and complete it outside of school as it is all listed on the website. Using Gmail You could use Gmail as a way of contacting those outside of school for help with the work if you become stuck. You could email your tutor or you could email one of your classmates. This works as you are asking for help while others are probably completing pieces of work already. This is also a convenience because you can compare work outside of school when your friends have their work sorted out and completed.

1 comment:

  1. www. D1 An excellent report in which you clearly evaluate interpersonal and
    written communications
    techniques. You have covered a very good range of methods. Well done.
