Monday, 19 May 2014

Unit 2 M1


  1. www: this is an excellent start to the merit task.
    ebi: you add the following Apple features:
    The dock. (in application management)
    Time machine. (in security and backing up)
    Cover flow (in file management)

    Explain what they are and give examples and images where possible.

  2. Cover flow is a feature that is on an Apple product. In iTunes, the cover flow helps you specify which artist or album that it is, so you can identify the songs quicker.

    The dock is a application bar that sits at the bottom of a Mac PC or laptop. iPhones and iPods and iPad also have a much smaller version of this, which allows four apps to sit at the bottom. The dock helps you find frequently used or recently opened documents as the icon for it is there to be clicked and opened as soon as you log on.

    Time Machine is an in built backup feature on OS X that works with your Mac and an external drive. Time Machine saves hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for everything older than a month old until the space runs out. Time Machine then deletes the oldest weekly backup and will continue to do so as it gets more and more full.
