Thursday, 6 February 2014

Unit 30 P2

Brochure: For a brochure and leaflets, I would use both Bitmap and vectors. I would do this because they usually contain both logos and texts and pictures. Bitmaps are made up of little blocks called pixels, and they have their own colour information. If you enlarge it, they will become blurry. But for the logos on the website, the vectors are made up of shapes. This means there are no pixels to worry about, and you can make them as big and small as you want them to be and they will not become blurry. Vehicle: For the logo on the side of the vehicle, you would need to use vector software. The logo needs to be really big, so you’ll need to be stretched and large. If you try to expand a Bitmap on the side of a van, then the logo will become pixelated and blurry. Website: For the website, you would use a Bitmap. This is because websites are viewed on screens. Screens are made up of pixels, and so are Bitmaps. Also, Bitmap files don’t take up a lot of space, so uploading them, they wouldn’t be big files. PDF: PDF (portable document format) are good because you don't need the original software to open a file. It will open in Adobe Acrobat.


  1. www. P2, Well done. Here you have explained the features and limitations of different file formats, drawing conclusions regarding which formats lend themselves to particular graphical products.
    ebi. You had mentioned the use of PDF files for use on documents
