Thursday, 5 June 2014

Unit 2 P7

Expected outcome
Actual outcome
Action required
software applications open and work as intended
Go through the applications one by one and open them to see if they all opened and closed and worked as needed.
All applications will open properly
All applications did work to intention
No action required in this area
default folder settings are correct
Look through folders to check if folders that need to be password protected are so, and that the folders that are meant to contain folders have the right ones stored in them. You do this by going through and checking them manually
All folders will be in the correct place
Some folders where saved in the wrong place, one folder needed a password
Set password for specific folder and moved folders into correct areas.
desktop shortcuts go to the right place
Double click all desktop shortcuts and see if they need to be changed.
All desktop shortcuts should open to where they were intended to go to
All desktop shortcuts opened to the right places, but some names of the shortcuts had spelling mistakes
Rename some of the shortcuts on the desktop
the correct device drivers are installed
Check that the computer recognises the printer I have purchased along with the computer, therefor it will have the correct device driver installed for it

The right device driver is installed so the printer will work
The computer recognised the printer, so the device driver had been previously installed
No action required in this field
the correct paper sizes are set for printing
Go onto printer settings to see if they have A4 one sided as their default print selection

That A4 one sided is on as default and prints that way
Was set to A3 double sided
I had to change it from A3 double sided to A4 double sided.
menu options work as intended
Opening up the menu and clicking on the options on the menu, and they all go to the intended place and all open and close and work well

That they all work well, all options go to where they’re intended to go to.
That they all work well, all options go to where they’re intended to go to.
No action required in this field
the correct date and time are set
Check time and date in London on Google
That the time and date was correct
The time was an hour out, the date was fine
Set the clock back an hour to the correct time

1 comment:

  1. www.Good. you have shown with this table that you can test a configured computer system for functionality. P7 achieved.
